The book Pintar Bahasa Arab Al-Qur'an by Prof. Dr. H. Salman Harun is a book that has its own exceptional charm compared to other books. Since the book would give us two skills at once namely, related to the Arabic language and understanding the meaning of the verses on the Al-Qur'an. Nonetheless, this book was rarely found in the public as well as there was scarcely evidence of scientific research discussing the book. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to find out how the contents of the book material were, starting from the used language, language skills, and nahwu learning. A Content analysis method was used in this research. The data and data sources were from the materials of the textbook. The researcher himself became the instrument in this research assisted by the documentation study. The results of the study were qualitative data and rely on Thu'aimah's theory. The results of the research included: (1) The presented Arabic language was Fusha Arabic with Indonesian as the language of instruction; (2) The offered language skills were limited to reading skills only; (3) Regarding nahwu learning, it had fulfilled several aspects, namely the grammatical learning of the language which had been evenly distributed in each chapter and the levels of the nahwu themes that were taught, namely the 'umdah and fadllah levels. Then there were discovered the use of Arabic grammatical terms, nahwu teaching methods using inductive methods, and language structure assignments that were presented in each chapter. However, there were also missing parts that had not been achieved, namely the portion of when the nahwu learning began, and the part on the use of foreign language terms.
Keywords: content analysis; Al-Qur'an Arabic language; Salman Harun
Abstrak: Keistimewaan buku Pintar Bahasa Arab Al-Qur’an karya Prof. Dr. H. Salman Harun adalah kita akan mendapatkan dua keilmuan sekaligus, yaitu tentang bahasa Arab dan memahami makna ayat Al-Qur’an. Akan tetapi, justru buku tersebut jarang ditemukan di lapangan bahkan juga belum ditemukan tulisan ilmiah yang membahas buku tersebut. Oleh karena itu, tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana isi materi buku tersebut, mulai dari bahasa yang digunakan, keterampilan bahasa, dan pembelajaran nahwu. Metode analisis isi konten digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Data dan sumber data adalah materi buku teks tersebut. Peneliti sendiri menjadi instrumen dalam penelitian ini dibantu dengan studi dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini merupakan data kualitatif dan bersandar pada teori Thu’aimah. Hasil penelitian meliputi: (1) Bahasa arab yang disajikan adalah bahasa Arab fusha; (2) Keterampilan berbahasa yang disajikan terbatas pada keterampilan membaca saja; (3) Dan untuk pembelajaran nahwu sudah memenuhi beberapa aspek, yaitu pembelajaran gramatikal bahasa yang sudah merata di setiap babnya, tingkatan ‘umdah dan fadllah pada level tema nahwu yang diajarkan, digunakannya istilah ketatabahasaan bahasa arab, metode induktif pada pengajaran nahwu, dan penyajian tugas struktur bahasa di setiap bab. Dan bagian yang belum memenuhi, yaitu bagian kapan dimulainya pembelajaran nahwu, dan pada bagian penggunaan istilah bahasa asing.
Kata kunci: analisis isi; bahasa Arab Al-Qur’an; Salman Harun