Symbol sense is crucial in the understanding of mathematical problems comprising various symbols. The misuses of symbols happen due to misinterpretation, which is considered the constraint to learn algebra more comprehensively, including in linear programming. The term ‘metaphor’ is defined as a means to carry over symbol sense, and is used to improve mathematical understanding. This present research was aimed at analyzing errors on mathematical symbol as a metaphor in linear programming. This research was conducted by means of descriptive qualitative design, with a test and interview as the instruments. The test was made essay, and its results were analyzed qualitatively. The test, further, was administered to five eleventh graders selected according to highest rates of errors committed. This research has shown that the students committed a number of errors in some cases, such as representing symbols as variables, representing numbers, and interpreting symbols as relational operators. In addition, errors which the students committed in constructing mathematical models covered defining the final value, representing numbers, applying inequality system, and interpreting symbols as operation counts. This present research has provided some ways for symbol sense, and thus the errors on mathematical symbol as a metaphor could be lessened. Next, this research can be further followed up by reviewing the effectiveness of remedial instruction according to the committed errors on mathematical symbols.