“…Another factor that underlies this to happen is that the human resources at the Medan KPKNL, both those responsible for PNBP collection and those who have an obligation to deposit PNBP, do not carry out their obligations in accordance with applicable regulations. In addition to the two factors above, several previous researchers who also conducted research related to Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) attached several related factors that influenced the realization of PNBP, including Auction fees (Walelang et al, 2017) (Susanto et al, 2019); Administration of State Receivables (Mulyawati, 2013); Products to be managed to obtain PNBP (Seftyandra, 2013), (Ridwan, 2020); Management of BMN (Afandi, 2016), (Fitri & Triono, 2020), (Afrisca, 2022); Prices, Facilities and Services for each source of PNBP revenue (Amin & Gani, 2015); Determination of types and rates of PNBP types (Kusuma, 2021); limited operational support facilities and limited human resources (Zulyani et al, 2022); Non-Tax et al (Utami et al, 2021)…”