Pengolahan ikan nila dapat dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan asap cair bambu tabah, karena dapat menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri dan membunuh bakteri oleh kandungan senyawa fenol yang terkandung dalam asap cair bambu tabah. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menentukan pengaruh konsentrasi perendaman asap cair bambu tabah dan suhu pengovenan, terhadap karakteristik ikan nila asap dan menentukan kombinasi konsentrasi perendaman asap cair bambu tabah dan suhu pengovenan yang memberikan masa simpan paling panjang. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) faktorial dengan menggunakan dua faktor, yaitu kadar konsentrasi asap cair (K) sebanyak 5 taraf perlakuan (0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, dan 20%) dan suhu pengovenan (S) sebanyak 3 taraf yaitu 600C, 800C, dan 1000C, dioven selama 4 jam, perlakuan dilakukan dalam 2 kali ulangan. Parameter yang diukur meliputi karakteristik yang mempengaruhi umur simpan seperti pH, Kadar air, Kekerasan, Total Plate Count (TPC), dan untuk menentukan umur simpan ikan nila olahan menggunakan metode Extended Storage Studies (ESS) melalui uji sensoris Kenampakan, Aroma, Tekstur, dan Rasa setiap 24 jam selama masa penyimpanan pada suhu ruang ± 280C, hingga produk dikatakan rusak. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa, konsentrasi perendaman asap cair bambu tabah dan suhu pengovenan, memberikan pengaruh nyata (P<0.05) terhadap perubahan pH, kadar air, kekerasan, TPC, dan organoleptik kenampakan, aroma, tektur, dan rasa ikan nila asap cair bambu tabah. Kombinasi perendaman asap cair 20% dan suhu pengovenan 1000C adalah kombinasi yang memberikan masa simpan paling panjang selama 24 jam.
Processing fish tilapia can be done by utilizing the liquid smoke of tabah bamboo, because it can inhibit the growth of bacteria and kill bacteria by phenolic compounds contained in the liquid smoke of tabah bamboo. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of immersion concentration of tabah bamboo liquid smoke and oven temperature, on the characteristics of smoked tilapia and determine the combination of immersion concentration of tabah bamboo liquid smoke and the oven temperature which gives the longest shelf life. This study used a factorial completely randomized design using two factors, namely, the concentration of liquid smoke (K) as many as 5 levels of treatment (0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, dan 20%) and 3 levels of oven temperature (S) namely 600C, 800C, dan 1000C, heated in an oven for 4 hours, the treatment was carried out in 2 replications. The parameter measured include characteristics that affect shelf life such as pH, Moisture Content, hardness, Total Plate Count, and to determine the shelf life of smoked tilapia using the Extended Storage Studies Method (ESS) through sensory tests the appearance, aroma, texture, and taste were observed every 24 hours during the storage period at room temperature ± 280C, until the product was said to be damaged. It can be concluded that the immersion concentration of the tabah bamboo liquid smoke and the temperature of the oven, has a significant effect (P<0.05) on changes in pH, moisture content, hardness, TPC, and organoleptic appearance, aroma, texture, and taste of tabah bamboo liquid smoked tilapia. The combination of 20% liquid smoke immersion and 1000C oven temperature is the combination that provides the longest shelf life of 24 hours.