The capital market in Indonesia has a large role in the country's economy. Meanwhile, investors in the capital market are still low when compared the total population of Indonesia, which is only 0.4% of the total population. Meanwhile, in Cirebon City, the number of capital market investors in Cirebon City, is around 0.025%. Therefore, the low investment interest in Cirebon City is supposed to increase investment interest. The method in this research is quantitative research using an indepth survey. The results showed that socialization, knowledge and age had a positive significant effect on interest investing in capital market.
Keywords: Interesting, Knowledge, Socialization, Stocks
Pasar modal di Indonesia memiliki peran besar dalam perekonomian negara. Akan tetapi investor yang ada di pasar modal masih cukup rendah jika dibandingkan dengan jumlah penduduk Indonesia yaitu hanya 0.4% dari seluruh penduduk Indonesia Sementara itu, di Kota Cirebon Jumlah investor pasar modal yang ada di kota Cirebon sekitar 0,025%. Oleh karena itu, rendahnya minat investasi di Kota Cirebon diduga perlu dilakukan upaya untuk meningkatkan minat investasi. Metode penelitian ini berupa kuantitatif menggunakan survey indepth. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sosialisasi, pengetahuan dan usia berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap minat berinvestasi di pasar modal.
Kata Kunci: Minat, Pengetahuan, Saham, Sosialisasi