Teaching materials are a medium for teachers to provide material and implement character education values. To support that, it is necessary to have teaching materials that accommodate the existence of book Merdeka Curriculum. This study aims to describe the values of character education in Indonesian language teaching materials in Merdeka Curriculum for class X of Senior High School. This study is qualitative. Data were words, clauses, phrases, sentences, and paragraphs that have character education values in Indonesian language book for Senior High School class X published by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Mendikbud) of Merdeka Curriculum. Data collection used reading followed by note-taking technique. Dana analysed using referential equivalent. The results showed that Indonesian language book contained 19 values of character education: creative, reading pleasure, religious, environmental care, responsibility, social caring, honesty, work hard, national spirit, homeland love, critical thinking, business power, democratic, discipline, compassion, politeness, prudence, cooperation, and self-control. These character values are relevant to be taught to students, particularly class X SMA/SMK who are in the transition period from Junior to Senior High School. It is prospective that these characters can be integrated by the teacher in learning and implemented by students in everyday life.