Wangunharja village has an area of 832 ha and a population of 8256. In this village, 4G LTE network coverage still does not reach the entire region. Therefore, LTE network planning is needed to expand coverage in the area. This study was carried out by analyzing and planning LTE networks use microwave backhaul in Wangunharja Village. The first step is to check the quality of the signal along the main line of the village. Then, plan for capacity and LTE network coverage to determine the number of sites needed. Next, microwave backhaul planning is carried out with work frequency based on the distance of the backhaul link. Based on the LTE network planning the calculations show that two sites are required to cover the Wangunharja Village area. Furthermore, planning simulations are carried out using simulation software, and the values of the three parameters measured have met the operator's KPI standards. With a microwave link distance of 2.87 km, the operating frequency of the microwave antenna operates at 11 GHz.The results of microwave link calculations and simulations for the value of the received power level are -18.95 dBm, with a gain antenna of 45.8 dBi obtained fading margin of 49.04 dBm so that the availability value or level of availability in one year is 99.999%.