Exploration and production in the sand reservoir still have their challenges due to the low porosity and permeability characteristics. This study was conducted to analyse the characteristics of a tight sand reservoir based on a log property distribution map, using acoustic impedance inversion and multi-attribute analysis. Stepwise regression multi-attribute analysis is a method that uses the best attributes to predict the target log by going through a trial and error process. Choosing the right seismic attributes can provide a better depiction of the target zone. This research was conducted to obtain a map of subsurface geological structures, acoustic impedance volumes. Then, we performed a multi-attribute analysis to obtain a prediction of volume log properties such as pseudo gamma-ray, density and porosity using the stepwise regression method. The results of acoustic impedance seismic inversion and stepwise regression multi-attribute analysis shows that the reservoir is a gas with tight sand lithology, which has a range of acoustic impedance values of 15,000 ((ft/s)*(g/cc)) up to 30,000 ((ft/s)*(g/cc)), porosity of 12% to 24%, and the distribution of Sw of 8-13%. The density and porosity maps obtained from the multi-attributes analysis can help in the long-term exploration and production stages. Its aims are to improve primary recovery and tertiary recovery, understanding the stratigraphic traps, and continuity of reservoir layers.