Twitter users in January 2023 increased by 27.4% over the prior-year period worldwide. One of the uses of Twitter as a social networking service is used to create HateSpeech. HateSpeech fosters hatred and hostility of certain individuals or groups (ethnic, religious, racial and inter-group) in the form of insults, defamation, blasphemy, provocation, incitement, and spreading false news. The solution to avoid divisions between factions that threaten the unity of the Indonesian nation needs to be done with sentiment analysis to group tweets that are included in HateSpeech or Non-HateSpeech. This study aims to analyze the HateSpeech sentiment of twitter service users with the Naïve Bayes Classifier method. The dataset used in this study was 5000 data processed with Python tools for the preprocessing stages (case folding, tokenization, stopword removal, normalization, dan stemming), Labeling, Term Weighting weighting with Term Frequency (TF), and Inverse Document Frequency (IDF). The K-Fold Cross Validation technique is carried out to validate data by dividing training and testing data into 3 test scenarios, namely 70% training data and 30% testing, 30% training data and 70% testing, and 50% training data and 50% testing of the Naïve Bayes Classifier Method. Based on evaluation using Confusion Matrix, the highest accuracy of 80%, precision 100%, recall 80%, and F1-Score 89% was obtained in the training data testing scenario of 70% and testing 30%.