As a peaking power plant, Semarang PGU runs a 1.4 GW combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT). Our power plants must start and stop on a regular basis, as well as respond to sudden spikes and drops in load caused by the peaking function. Operating this 30-year-old power plant is likewise getting tougher; the chief factors are component obsolescence and asset age. Tambak Lorok CCGT, on the other hand, was able to achieve less than 0.51% EFOR (Equivalent Forced Outage Rates) in 2022, which was a notable success given the power plant's age in terms of its ability to sustain dependability. Our company created a "end-to-end asset healthiness monitoring dashboard" that reduced the WMATL WO backlog by 14.65%. Semarang PGU completed maintenance efficiently in order to sustain the firm by increasing efficiency and minimizing OPEX. Our principal means of attaining this goal are to improve reliability management, develop a quality-based maintenance approach, and ensure shorter and safer outages. This strategy resulted in an Inventory Turn Over of 6.36 and a profit of IDR 722,695,530,067 for the firm. Our company also combines risk management into outage operations and innovates in asset management pillars integration, which uses real-time monitoring for an asset's life cycle.