Currently, digital information technology is growing rapidly. The impact of these advances has forced public service providers to change their work methods from manual services to automatic services by utilizing a digitalization system. The presence of information technology will facilitate health sector services, including BPJS services. The purpose of the study was to determine the impact of using the JKN Mobile Application on the Services of the Health Social Security Implementing Agency in Kendari City. The type of research used is qualitative research, with a case study approach. The informants were 3 JKN participants and 2 BPJS officers. The criteria for selecting the informants are active JKN participants, users of JKN mobile services, knowing events, rational arguments, feeling the impact of events, being directly involved with events, having sufficient time, and being able to convey information well. Data was collected by means of in-depth interviews and observation. Data analysis was carried out using a content analysis matrix. The results of the study show that there is an impact using the Mobile JKN application for participants, namely participants can get convenience in terms of accessing JKN services, reduce transportation costs, save service time, reduce service queues, reduce distance to service places and speed up JKN service time. Conclusion; The impact of using the Mobile JKN application for participants is the ease of access to services, reduced transportation costs, reduced service time, reduced service queues, reduced service distances and accelerated JKN service time. Recommendation; JKN participants to take advantage of the JKN mobile application for ease of service. BPJS to improve the features of the JKN mobile application service. Other researchers conducted research on the impact of the JKN mobile application on BPJS