Article history : Indonesia Government Regulation Number 50 Year 2011 stipulated that Morotai island in Nort Maluku as National Tourism Strategic Area (NTSA). As a tourism area, Morotai should be supported with good facilities and infrastructures including clean water and sanitation. Ministry of Public Works and Housing undergoes a replication project as a pilot project of sanitation and clean water technology in Daruba, Morotai, North Maluku. This technology is covering sanitation technology (bio filter, sanitary pond) and clean water (SPC, Reserve Osmose). This technology is ready to be applied in Daruba and all of its technology originated from Java. This study is eager to see to what extent the supply chain of sanitation and clean water technology, from the technology producers which are mostly located in Java and the application location is in Morotai. The study of Supply Chain in Clean Water and Sanitation Technology Implementation using an applied based research approach. This study refers to scientific research and attempt to solve practical problems. The result of this study, any supply chain for four technologies in Morotai. The results consist of identifying supply chain components, determining network dimension structure, that consists of three types dimension, determining type of business chain, and mapping supply chain.