We measured neutron spectra in beryllium and an ITER-TBM simulating assemblies by means of a Multi-Foil Activation Method (MFAM) at the FNS facility of JAEA to confirm applicability of MFAM. An unfolding code, NEUPAC, was used to determine neutron flux spectra. Initial guessed neutron spectra were calculated with the Monte Carlo code MCNP4C and a nuclear data library FENDL-2.1. JENDL Dosimetry File 99 was adopted as response data for reaction rates. We deduced neutron flux spectra in the simulated assemblies with the MFAM. From the experiments, it was found out that MFAM gave appropriate results, which indicated that MFAM was a prospect to the application of neutron spectrum measurement in ITER-TBM. However, it was also pointed out that some improvements for measurement of slow neutron below 10 eV were necessary.