Connecting photovoltaic micro-installations to a low-voltage network changes the operating conditions of the network. As a result, in certain situations, the permissible operating limits may be periodically exceeded. The risk of exceeding the normal operating conditions of the network depends on multiple factors, including the installed capacity of the photovoltaic sources. In this article, we use a time-series method to determine the annual risks of exceeding the bus voltage limits, the rated current of the lines and transformer, and the acceptable limit of the negative sequence component of bus voltage, as well as the risk of a reverse flow occurring, and the risk of energy losses increasing. We calculate these risks for different levels of penetration of the photovoltaic sources, different divisions of the rated power of the photovoltaic sources between individual phases, and different consumer load profiles. We perform calculations on a CIGRE test network using OpenDSS and statistical meteorological data for the Katowice (Poland) weather station. The results obtained indicate that connecting photovoltaic micro-installations to a low-voltage network has the greatest impact on the risk of reverse flow occurring and the risk of energy losses increasing. In addition, the risk of overvoltage and branch overload increases substantially. The method we present allows one to determine the value of the hosting capacity of a given low-voltage network, ensuring that the assumed risk of exceeding the normal operating conditions of the network is retained.