In this article structural concepts peculiarities of bridge structures for mountain conditions were analyzed. It is noted that the mountainous terrain is characterized not only by a complex broken rock but also by the course of earthquakes and their genetic varieties: landslides, avalanches, rockfalls, etc. It is also noted that the interaction of the plain bridge and the environment is one-sided, while mountainous bridges themselves are negatively influenced by the mountainous environment. The Republic of Dagestan territory is considered an example of mountainous terrain. The linking bridge structures problem to various mountainous terrain regions is investigated here.
The peculiarity of the mountain rivers and bridge crossings interaction is noted in this paper, as well as the influence of rivers on the constructive justification of the mountain bridges solutions. The possibility of using cascade systems for regulating the mountain rivers water regime for the rational bridge crossings design with several holes is considered. Various options for the bridge crossings placement relative to mountain rivers are given as well as described their peculiarities.
Current support parts and expansion joints are considered and analyzed from the mountain bridge use on structures suitability point of view. The necessity of using seismic-insulating expansion joints and their influence on the conditions of vehicles passing through the bridge structure during an earthquake is substantiated here. The problem of using road pavements on mountain bridge structures is noted, the most common road pavements designs are described and analyzed. The concepts of the «ideal» bridge and their applied significance in relation to mountainous terrain are presented.
The constructive and technological solutions considered within the framework of this article will improve the bridge structure’s efficiency in mountainous conditions.