DOI: 10.1109/tpel.2014.2377719
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Analysis and Design of a Modular Multilevel Converter With Trapezoidal Modulation for Medium and High Voltage DC-DC Transformers

Abstract: Conventional dual-active bridge topologies provide galvanic isolation and soft-switching over a reasonable operating range without dedicated resonant circuits. However, scaling the two-level dual-active bridge to higher dc voltage levels is impeded by several challenges among which the high dv/dt stress on the coupling transformer insulation. Gating and thermal characteristics of series switch arrays add to the limitations. To avoid the use of standard bulky modular multilevel bridges, this paper analyzes an a… Show more

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Cited by 154 publications
(116 citation statements)
References 42 publications
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“…However, if the modules are updated into a three-phase configuration with 6-pulse rectifier [25], the figure of merit can be reduced to 1/3. In the case of MMC based converters, as the two MMC connected through a transformer in [14], the voltage stress on the windings is related to the applied modulation and usually has a ∆v ph,max /(n · V o ) as function of 1/N where N is the number of submodules per arm [26].…”
Section: F Transformer Voltage Stepsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…However, if the modules are updated into a three-phase configuration with 6-pulse rectifier [25], the figure of merit can be reduced to 1/3. In the case of MMC based converters, as the two MMC connected through a transformer in [14], the voltage stress on the windings is related to the applied modulation and usually has a ∆v ph,max /(n · V o ) as function of 1/N where N is the number of submodules per arm [26].…”
Section: F Transformer Voltage Stepsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…In this case, N becomes the total number of main path IGBTs per arm and n denotes the number of series IGBT modules per cell. In either approach, a suitable redundancy margin in terms of cell numbers/ratings is mandatory for uninterrupted operation of the TAMC with faulted cells [15]. The resulting voltage trasition time per half cycle becomes;…”
Section: B Tamc Dynamics In Trapezoidal Modementioning
confidence: 99%
“…In [15] detailed analysis of the Q2LC has been carried out for front-to-front dc-dc converter connection. Similar analysis is presented briefly here to highlight key operation aspects of the TAMC.…”
Section: B Tamc Dynamics In Trapezoidal Modementioning
confidence: 99%
“…With its unique advantages of decentralized energy storages, modular structure, easy redundant SMs (SMs), simple fault identification, and clearance [5], MMC has been widely applied at various levels of power converters, such as high-voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission systems [6,7], DC-DC power electronic transformers [8], battery electric vehicles [9], distributed energy resources (DERs) [10,11], and flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS) [12]. Considering the long-existing issues of low utilization rate of light energy and potential influence on power grid in photovoltaic (PV) grid-connected system, the application of MMC in PV grid-connected systems is gaining more and more attention [13][14][15].…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%