Predicting the viral dynamics of an epidemic process requires the knowledge of the underlying contact network. However, the network is not known for most applications and has to be inferred from observing the viral state evolution instead. We propose a polynomial-time network reconstruction algorithm for the discrete-time NIMFA model based on a basis pursuit formulation. Given only few initial viral state observations, the network reconstruction method allows for an accurate prediction of the further viral state evolution of every node provided that the network is sufficiently sparse.Paré et al. [7] analysed the equilibria of the discrete-time NIMFA model (3) and validated the dynamics of real-world epidemics, when the nodes of the network corresponds to groups of individuals, namely either households or counties.Recently, estimation methods were proposed [9, 10, 11] to reconstruct the network from viral state observations of susceptible-infected-susceptible (SIS) epidemic models . The maximum-likelihood SIS network reconstruction problem is NP-hard [12], and the number of required viral state observations n seems [9] to grow (almost) exponentially with respect to the network size N . For the NIMFA model (3), Paré et al. [7] proposed a method to estimate the spreading parameters β T and δ T under the assumption that the adjacency matrix A is known exactly.The network reconstruction method in this work is motivated by two factors. First, the tremendous number of required viral state observations and the NP-hardness seem to render the exact SIS network reconstruction hardly viable, and modelling the viral dynamics by the NIMFA equations (1) may allow for a feasible network reconstruction problem. Second, we generalise the spreading parameter estimation method [7] by also estimating the adjacency matrix A of the underlying contact network.