This study aims to investigate the likelihood of hazard occurrence, the frequency level, the level of severity, and the consequences of work-related hazards in Offshore Installations. This study was a cross-sectional design assessment and the instrument used for this study was a well-structured questionnaire on Analysis of Work-related Accidents which was sent to e-mails of oil and gas workers. The reliability of the instrument was assessed using Cronbach's alpha. Data analyses were carried out using descriptive statistics, Risk Matrix, and Fault tree analysis. The 4 by 4 risk assessment matrix for the likelihood and consequences showed that 12 of the hazard were categorized as having high risk and Wind/Strong current was classified as extreme risk, However, 5 of the identified hazards, H5, H6, H7, H8 & H10 are risks that can be easily controlled to prevent an incident from occurring. All the offshore risks identified were either rated as high or extreme, which indicated that offshore hazards have severe consequences for the People, Environment, Asset and Reputation of the company. Therefore, high safety measures must be put in place to control these risks.