Abstract-The biotic ligand model (BLM) was applied to predict metal toxicity to lettuce, Lactuca sativa. Cu 2þ had the lowest median effective activity (EA50 M ), compared with Ag þ and Zn 2þ (EA50 Cu ¼ 2.60 Â 10 À8 M, EA50 Ag ¼ 1.34 Â 10 À7 M, EA50 Zn ¼ 1.06 Â 10 À4 M). At the 50% response level, the fraction of the total number of biotic ligands occupied by ions ( f50 M ) was lowest for Ag þ among the metals ( f50 Ag ¼ 0.22, f50 Cu ¼ 0.36, f50 Zn ¼ 0.42). Cu 2þ had the highest affinity for biotic ligands compared with Ag þ and Zn 2þ , as shown by stability constants of the cation-biotic ligand binding, expressed as log K MBL (log K CuBL ¼ 7.40, log K AgBL ¼ 6.39, log K ZnBL ¼ 4.00). Furthermore, the BLM was combined with the toxic equivalency factor approach in predicting toxicity of mixtures of Cu 2þ -Zn 2þ and Cu 2þ -Ag þ . The fraction of biotic ligands occupied by ions was used to determine the relative toxic potency of metals and the toxic equivalency quotient (TEQ) of mixtures. This approach allowed for including interactions in estimating mixture toxicity and showed good predictive power (r 2 ¼ 0.64-0.84). The TEQ at the 50% response level (TEQ50, Cu 2þ equivalents) for Cu 2þ -Zn 2þ mixtures was significantly lower than the value for Cu 2þ -Ag þ mixtures. Joint toxicity depended on both TEQ and specific composition of the mixture. The present study supports the use of the accumulation of metal ions at the biotic ligands as a predictor of toxicity of single metals and mixtures. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 2013;32:137-143. # 2012 SETAC