The effect of different agents on inner-mitochondrial-membrane permeabilization and lipoperoxidation induced by Ca2+ and the pyridine-nucleotide oxidant t-butylhydroperoxide or inorganic phosphate was investigated. Comparing the protection conferred by ADP, a substrate of the ADP/ATP carrier, dithiothreitol, a disulfide reductant and butylhydroxytoluene, a radical scavenger, it was found that ADP was always the most effective against mitochondrial damage, when present in the incubation medium from the beginning. Moreover, carboxyatractyloside, a specific inhibitor of the ADP/ATP carrier, abolished completely the protective effect of ADP on both the lipoperoxidation and mitochondrial swelling processes. Experiments where deenergized mitochondria were previously incubated with Ca2+ showed a decrease in the content of active ADP/ATP carrier, indicating a direct involvement of this protein in the formation of a non-specific Ca2+-dependent pore. Our results also eliminate the possibility of an attack of oxygen radicals on lipids or proteins of the mitochondrial membrane as the primary event triggering the permeability transition of the inner mitochondrial membrane.During the last two decades there have been several attempts to explain the mechanism of the Ca2+-induced permeabilization of the inner mitochondrial membrane when the organelle is loaded with Ca2+ in the presence of so called Ca2+-releasing agents [l -61. Organic hydroperoxides, diamide or inorganic phosphate (P,) have been used in most of these experiments, and different hypotheses arose to explain the observed permeabilization of mitochondria [l -61. More recently, the oxidation of either proteins [6] or phospholipids [5] of the inner mitochondrial membrane has been proposed as the molecular mechanism involved in these permeabilization processes. Supporting this suggestion, it was observed that both dithiotreitol and butylhydroxytoluene are able to protect the mitochondria against the deleterious effects of Ca2+ and either prooxidants or P, [5-81. In fact, this was only partially corroborated by our previous results, which showed the occurrence of lipoperoxidation when the mitochondria were incubated in the presence of Ca" and hydroperoxide, but not when the incubation was performed under conditions of high concentrations of Ca2+ and P, [9].Since the first evidence was presented that the Ca2+-induced permeabilization of mitochondria could be attributed to a reversible Ca2+-activated pore [lo], increasing amounts of data have been published supporting this hypothesis [ll-131. It was also shown that the removal of Ca2+ by the addition of EGTA was enough to reseal the mitochondrial mem- brane [lo, 111. The protein or proteins responsible for the pore opening and closure have not yet been identified, and a good candidate for such role is the ADP/ATP carrier. It is already known that both ADP and ATP and also the specific ADP/ATP-carrier inhibitor bongkrekate, are able to protect the mitochondrial membrane against the permeabilization processes [14-161. Ho...