“…Our previous ¢nding clearly demonstrated that pulsed-¢eld gel electrophoresis (PFGE) pro¢les after separate digestion with ApaI and NotI of the genomic DNAs from these three strains of T. equigenitalis, namely NCTC11184 T , Kentucky188 and EQ59, were distinctly di¡erent from each other (Matsuda et al, 1994(Matsuda et al, , 1999(Matsuda et al, , 2000Kagawa et al, 2001) and con¢rmed that heterogeneous genotypes of T. equigenitalis have a global distribution . In particular, the distinct genotypes between the strain NCTC11184 T and Kentucky188 were clearly demonstrated by the PFGE pro¢les as described previously (Matsuda et al, 1998(Matsuda et al, , 2000.…”