Formation of trihalomethanes (THM) was monitored at the Laboratório de Camarões Marinhos (LCM) from the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. THM could be present because chlorinated effluents from disinfection are discharged from the different hatchery rooms. THM quantification was done through an analytical methodology using Purge&Trap coupled with a gas chromatograph equipped with an electron capture detector. Relative standard deviation (RSD), limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ) for the methodology corresponded to the ranges of 8-17%; 0.01-0.03 microg L(-1) and 0.03-0.08 microg L(-1), respectively. Linear working range was of 0.1-8.0 microg L(-1) for all compounds. Enrichment and recovery method was applied to evaluate possible matrix effects and the results varied from 71.2% to 107.9%. LCM was monitored between August and December, 2004. This study showed that THM did not increase with the increase in postlarvae production and also that the aquatic life and the surrounding environment were not affected.