Specific enthalpy of desired conditioned air (at 18 °C and 55 % RH) HPHX Heat pipe heat exchanger HVAC Heating, ventilation, and air conditioninġ m Mass flow rate of air passing through the condenseṙ m min Minimum of mass flow rates between air streams in pre-cooling and reheating sections q act Actual heat transfer rate q max Maximum heat transfer rate RH Relative humidity RH e,i Relative humidity of inlet air to the HPHX evaporator S e Energy saving in evaporator section S c Energy saving in condenser section S t Total energy saving T c,i Temperature of inlet air to the HPHX condenser T C,d Temperature of desired outlet air from the AC system (at 9 °C and 100 % RH) T c,o Temperature of outlet air from the HPHX condenser T e,i Temperature of inlet air to the HPHX evaporator T e,o Temperature of outlet air from the HPHX evaporator ε Effectiveness of HPHX δ Uncertainty