Forest and the goods and services they provide are essential for human livelihood and wellbeing. An assessment on the likely impact of deforestation on NTFPs along gender line is therefore imperative for effective adaptations for NTFPs collectors. The study examined the adaptive strategies to deforestation stress employed among NTFPs collectors across gender line in Oluwa Forest Reserve area of Ondo State, Nigeria. Multistage sampling technique was used to select respondents for the study. Data were collected with the aid of well-structured interview schedule on 181 NTFPs collectors (94 males and 87 females) and analysed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. The data targeted socio-economic characteristics, level of availability of (NTFPs) in the mist of deforestation currently and 30 years ago as well as adaptive strategiesemployed by the respondents in the study area. Findings revealed that average age of male and female respondents were 48 and 43 years, respectively. Bitter Kola, Kola Nut, Mango and Walnut were NTFPs available in abundant 30 years ago. In recent years, the study discovered that only Mango and Walnut were available in excess despite persistent deforestation in the study area. Deforestation impacted more on female collectors compared to their men counterpart. The finding also shows that female collectors employed more of domesticated NTFPs and indigenous protection methods as adaptive strategies against deforestation. The study recommended training on scientific domesticated system of planting (NTFPs) for both male and female NTFPs collectors as well as community policing to cope against deforestation in the study area.
Key words: adaptive strategies, deforestation, non-timber forest products (NTFPs), gender