Mexico is the center of diversity of the husk tomato (Physalis L., Solanaceae), which includes a number of commercially important edible and ornamental species. Taxonomic identification is presently based on morphological characteristics, but the presence of high inter-and intraspecific morphological variation makes this task difficult. Six ISSR primers were used on eight Mexican species of Physalis to determine their utility for interspecific taxonomic discrimination and to assess their potential for inferring interspecific relationships. The six ISSR primers amplified 101 bands, with 100% polymorphism across samples. The number of bands per primer varied from 10 to 21. All primers produced different fingerprint profiles for each species, confirming the ISSR value in taxonomic discrimination. Discrimination values based on Simpson's diversity index varied from 0.48 to 0.58. Genetic interspecific similarity values ranged from 0.20 to 0.57, and intraspecific similarity values were highest for Physalis angulata (0.71), followed by Physalis philadelphica (0.63) and Physalis lagascae (0.55). The UPGMA analysis grouped accessions of the same species together and clustered together Physalis species of similar morphological traits. Thus, ISSR markers are useful in estimating genetic relationships in Physalis.