The description of the received new results of field geological (teсtonophysical) study of massifs of rocks is provided: tectonic jointing, explosive and folded deformations, mirrors of slidings, tectonic motions of blocks of breeds. Reconstruction of fields of tension according to geological data of the certain massif of the Chatkalo-Kurama mountain area (Tien-Shan)-a coastal zone of the Charvak reservoir and the Almalyk mining industrial region is executed. The multidirectional motions of blocks of rocks in the massif of a coastal zone of the Charvak reservoir connected with tectonic and technogenic factors are revealed. The scheme of kinematics and the intense deformed condition of blocks of the Almalyk district is received. Here the regional field of tension with horizontal and submeridional orientation of an axis of the main normal tension of compression at the inclined provision of two other axes are observed. The received results testify to opportunities field the tectonophysical of methods for obtaining important data on kinematics and dynamics of massifs of rocks, tectonic blocks, and features of their deformation. Such studying of the massif of rocks before the beginning and in the course of performance of work on objects of the national economy is important for the choice of design and optimum parameters of laying of excavations, control of a condition of their boards and walls, definition of strategy of safety of conducting mining operations and also seismic stability of constructions.