Herein, an analysis of interference effects as a result of the electron evolution within a coherent transport medium is presented, offering a double-dopant Coulomb potential structure. Injection of coherent electron states into the structure is used to investigate the effects on the current transport behavior within the quantum Wigner phase space picture. Quantum effects are outlined by using classical simulation results as a reference frame. The utilized signed particle approach inherently provides a seamless transition between the classical and quantum domain. Based on this the occurring quantum effects caused by the non-locality of the action of the quantum potential, leading to spatial resonance, can be indentified. The resulting interference patterns enable novel applications in the area of entangletronics.Introduction: Correctly describing and predicting quantum effects in nanoelectronic devices remains a key challenge. An attractive way to do so is to compare quantum with classical effects, enabling to identify quantumness in the generated results. However, the transition from quantum to classical transport requires a principal change in the physical description.In contrast to classical processes comprised by elementary events associated with probabilities, the interplay of phases and amplitudes gives rise to interference effects which cannot be described as a cumulative sum of probabilities. A given quantum transport problem does not allow for a decomposition into separate sub-tasks as suggested by the Matthiessen rule of classical transport, and needs to be treated in its entirety.[1] Therefore, the interplay of seemingly simple processes, as for example electron evolution with Coulomb potentials, fundamentally differs when using a classical or a quantum description.