Cholesterol is one component in forming fat. Cholesterol levels are said to be high if more than 240 mg/dl. Based on the 2013 Riskesdas data, most high cholesterol patients were women at 39.6%, especially when women enter menopause because of the decrease in the body's estrogen hormone. Objective: The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between central obesity and the incidence of high cholesterol in menopausal women in Indonesia. Methods: This was quantitative research used a cohort retrospektif design study with 686 total samples. Data analysis were done in univariate, bivariate and multivariate. Results: There were 20,8% menopausal woman who had high cholesterol. The results showed that central obesity had a relationship with the incidence of high cholesterol in menopausal women after being controlled by physical activity, fiber consumption, saturated fat intake and residence (RR = 2,62; 95% CI = 1,11-6,21). It can be concluded that central obesity is closely related to the incidence of high cholesterol in menopausal women in Indonesia, so the suggestion in this study is for people to adopt healthy lifestyles, exercise sufficient physical activity, exercise regularly, and eat foods that are high in fiber and low in saturated fatty acids.