Objective: to develop an integral assessment framework of the health status of conscripts.Material and methods. The study included the morbidity parameters among servicemen: general and primary morbidity, necessity in dispensary observation, hospitalization, period of being disabled, dismission for health reasons and mortality. To determine the priority coefficients for the morbidity parameters, we performed an expert survey.Results. Within the structure of the integral assessment of the health status among conscripts, the priority ranking was as follows: 1st — respiratory diseases (chapter X), 2nd — traumas, poisoning and some other consequences of external causes (chapter XIX), 3rd — diseases of the gastro-intestinal system (chapter XI), 4th — diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue (chapter XIII), 5th — diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue (chapter XII). Within the structure of the integral assessment, the priority nosology ranking was as follows: 1st — acute respiratory infections of the upper respiratory tract (J00–J06), 2nd — diseases of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum (K20 – K31), 3rd — multitraumas affecting several body areas (T00–T07), 4th — effects of traumas, poisoning and other consequences of external causes (T90–T98), 5th — diseases of the oral cavity, salivary glands and jaws (K00–K14).Conclusion. The developed integral assessment framework of the health status optimizes the effect of some morbidity parameters and reliably correlates the contribution of the chapters and nosologies with the final assessment result, which makes it possible to timely, completely and promptly assess the quality of medical care to conscripts.