. Sources, factors, mechanisms and possible solutions to pollutants in marine ecosystems. Environ. Pollut. 2013, 182, 461-478. DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2013 You may download, copy and otherwise use the AAM for non-commercial purposes provided that your license is limited by the following restrictions:(1) You may use this AAM for non-commercial purposes only under the terms of the CC-BY-NC-ND license.(2) The integrity of the work and identification of the author, copyright owner, and publisher must be preserved in any copy.(3) You must attribute this AAM in the following format: habitats during the breeding period of marine species, usually for few days; and (ii) in some specific marine locations that have high biodiversity and target and non-target ecosystem components. Possible remedial measures are assessed, but their effective coming into force strongly depends on the public awareness of existing problems and on the priority level that such problems will reach in policy making.