14The aim of the study was to analyse the structure of the population, kinship coefficients and 15 inbreeding trend taking into account the sex, breeding system: champions (CH) and non-16 champions (nCH), breeding country: Poland (PL) and foreign country (Z) and the inbreeding 17 degree of Tatra Shepherd dogs. Out of the currently registered 587 Tatra Shepherd dogs, 18 41.9% have been qualified for breeding. In the past decade, 1961 puppies were born, which 19 corresponds to an average litter of 5.8 puppies. The breed's inbreeding rate amounted to 20 6.34%, and for a 4-generation population was 6.68%. The highest inbreeding rate was found 21 in nCH and PL groups consisting of both male and female dogs. The inbreeding rate was 22 significantly higher in 2005-2014 compared to the years 1994-2004. The limit value F X was 23 exceeded for 25.65% of Shepherd dogs, and the critical value was exceeded for 11.52%. An 24 increasing ancestor loss coefficient (AVK) was found, which may result in an increased 25 number of inbred animals. In particular, it referred to female dogs in the nCH, PL, and F 26 group, whereas a significant increase of AVK was observed in the group of male dogs from 2 27 foreign kennels. The resulting COR values, respectively 55.58% for males and 55.44% for 28 females, testify to insignificant inbreeding and suggest that breeders look for male inbreds. 29 Studies have shown that there is no risk of inbred depression yet; however, the gene pool of 30