AbstractŠUSTOVá, K., KUCHTíK, j., KRáČMAR, S.: Analysis of ewe's milk by FT Near Infrared spectroscopy: measurement of samples on Petri dishes in reflectance mode. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2006, LIV, No. 2, pp. 131-138 Our work deals with a possibility of determination of basic composition (dry matter, fat, protein, casein, lactose and urea nitrogen) of ewe's milk and colostrum by FT NIR spectroscopy. Samples of milk were warmed to 40 °C, agitated, cooled to 20 °C, transferred into Petri dishes and analysed by reference methods and by FT NIR in reflectance mode. The measured area was spaced by a metallic mirror. Statistically significant differences between the reference values and the calculated values of NIR were not found (p=0.05). Results of calibration for ewe's milk determined the highest correlation coefficients: dry matter 0.983, fat 0.989, true protein 0.997, casein 0.977, lactose 0.980 and urea nitrogen 0.973. The study showed that NIRS method, when samples of milk are measured on Petri dishes, is a useful technique for the prediction of dry matter, fat, protein and casein in ewe's milk. near-infrared spectroscopy, ewe's milk, dry matter, fat, protein, lactose, chemical composition