Most government, industry, and academic e orts to protect the power grid have focused on information security mechanisms for preventing and detecting attacks. In addition to these mechanisms, control engineering can help improve power grid security.A large body of work focuses on power grid system device vulnerability assessment 1 ; however, successfully compromising a power grid's computers and embedded systems is only the rst step in a successful a ack. To predictably modify the physical components of a power grid (for instance, strategically manipulating voltages or loads), a ackers must understand how control systems operate.Defenders who leverage only information security mechanisms to protect their power grid will have limited success against sophisticated a ackers. To develop a defense-in-depth security strategy, defenders must incorporate power grid control models to understand the vulnerabilities and fragility of the system they're trying to protect (for example, not all compromised devices can drive a system to an unsafe state) as well as design a ack-resilient control algorithms that can survive a partial system compromise.To facilitate the integration of control engineering with security, we introduce the role of control systems for the power grid, show how to model control system vulnerability by looking at the a ected physical states, and o er design suggestions for a ack-resilient control systems.ere's a signi cant amount of IT security and privacy work for the power grid: Álvaro Cárdenas and Reihaneh Safavi-Naini conducted a general survey including government and industry e orts, 2 and Igor Fovino discussed the role of IT security in industrial control systems. 3 However, in this article, we focus on control systems' (and a acks') e ects on physical variables, including voltages, frequencies, and currents.
Power Grid Control Systemse power grid's objective is to generate and then deliver enough electric power to match consumer demand. In general, we can divide the power grid into three major parts: generation, transmission, and distribution.Generation consists of power plants producing electric power from natural resources, such as coal, water, or nuclear energy. Power is then transferred from generating power plants to electrical substations through