The Glauber model is used to analyze the elastic scattering of protons from He and Li isotopes at ∼700 MeV. The calculations require two inputs; the nucleon-nucleon (NN) amplitude and the nucleon density distributions for the target nuclei. The NN amplitude is taken from the available NN scattering data, and, for the target nuclei, we use some of the nucleon density distributions available in the literature. The emphasis, in this work, is to study the sensitivity of the calculated differential cross sections for p-He 4,6,8scattering on the density distributions used, and to compare the results with some recent findings in view of assessing the suitability of nucleon density distributions for a given nucleus at relatively low and intermediate energies. The results demonstrate that the study of p-nucleus scattering could be helpful in providing useful information about the behavior of matter density distribution in the surface and interior regions of a nuclear medium. Further, we find that the phase of the NN amplitude plays a role in providing a better description of the experimental data in all the cases.