A lean six-sigma approach was utilized to improve the performance of a multi-technology R&D cleanroom facility at GE's Global Research Center (GRC). The lean initiative prioritized 4 areas for improvement: 1) fab loading and lot priority, 2) documentation, 3) equipment and, 4) maintenance. A set of four metrics (throughput, uptime, process time, and lot queue time) for each piece of equipment was utilized to measure and drive cleanroom operational performance improvements. Subsequent activities relied on more sophisticated analysis of these metrics as a basis for prioritizing additional improvement tasks. Projects that improved the data management systems, and lot process documentation were also completed.After implementing the improvements that were uncovered from the lean six-sigma approach, lot cycle time improved more than 3x in the best cases, while a 50% average reduction in equipment queue time was achieved. The initiative resulted in a 16% increase in productivity while overall fab loading grew by 25%. The cleanroom achieved lower research and development costs while simultaneously increasing technology capacity, reducing lot cycle times, and maintaining process control.