“…Instead of word automata one uses nested-word automata (NWAs) [6] or equivalently visibly pushdown automata [5], a restricted class of pushdown automata, where the input symbols determine when the pushdown automaton can push or pop symbols from its stack. For instance, model checking regular nested-word properties of recursive state machines, which can model control flows of imperative programs [3,4], and of Boolean programs [7], which are widely used as abstractions in software model checking, can be carried out in an automata-theoretic setting, similar to finite-state model checking [23]. That is, the traces of a recursive state machine or a Boolean program are described by an NWA and the negation of the specification, which is given as a formula in a temporal logic over nested words like CaRet [4], NWTL [2], and μNWTL [10], is translated into a language-equivalent NWA.…”