1-Fatigue damage evolution and lifetime prediction of welded joints with the… 2-Development of Residual Stress during Manufacturing of Spiral Welded Pipes. 3-Residual stress effects on fatigue life of welded structures using LEFM. 4-Fatigue crack growth behavior in weld-repaired high-strength low-alloy steel. 5-Fatigue crack growth rates of API X70 pipeline steel in a pressurized hydrogen gas environment. 6-Fatigue life assessment of damaged pipelines under cyclic internal pressure: Pipelines with… 7-Fatigue life prediction for an API 5L X42 natural gas pipeline. 8-Probabilistic fatigue initiation assessment diagram pipe steel X52: influence of hydrogen. 9-Investigation of Seam Weld and Steel Base Metal Fracture Energy of API X65 Pipe Using… 10-High cycle fatigue behaviors of API X65 pipeline steel welded joints in... 11-Characterisation of weldment hardness, impact energy and microstructure in API X65 steel. 12-Experimental evaluation of fracture toughness in spiral seam weld of thermo-mechanical steel. 13-Specification for line pipe, API Specification 5L, 45th Edition. 14-Dissanayake R. Developing a full range S-N curve and estimating cumulative fatigue damage of steel elements. 15-Probabilistic S-N fields based on statistical distributions applied to metallic and composite materials... 16-Determination of Minimum Number of Specimens in S-N Testing. 17-Metallic materials , Fatigue testing , Statistical planning and... 18-Analysis of Selected Mathematical Models of High-Cycle S-N Characteristics. 19-Standard Practice for Statistical Analysis of Linear or Linearized Stress-Life (S-N) and... 20-Fatigue Failure Resulting from Variable Loading. 21-Peterson's Stress Concentration Factors. 22-Determining the Endurance Limit of AISI 4340 Steels in Terms of Different Statistical Approaches. 23-Fatigue behaviour of corrosion pits in X65 steel pipelines. 24-Fatigue analysis of multipass welded joints considering residual stresses. 25-Residual Stress Assessment in API X65 Pipeline Welds by Non-Destructive Instrumented Indentation. 26-Residual stress evaluation in API 5L X65 girth welded pipes joined by friction welding and gas tungsten arc welding. 27-Acoustic Emission Study of Corrosion Fatigue and Fatigue for API 5L X70 Gas Pipeline Steel. 28-Fatigue properties of X80 pipeline steels with ferrite/bainite dual-phase microstructure. 29-Prediction of Fatigue Crack Near-threshold Censored Regressions with Run-out Data.