Population reproduction is a priority task of social policy and a factor of Russias national security. The review presents the stages of recording the perinatal mortality indicator, which is closely related to the frequency of preterm birth. In the first stage, the criteria for registering preterm birth were 28 weeks of pregnancy, and in the second, since 2012, 22 weeks. At both stages, due to underreporting of low birth weight babies (their transfer to the miscarriage group), stillbirths, including full-term babies, prevailed in the preterm birth indicator structure. The authors of the article stressed that the main cause of preterm birth (including iatrogenic) is the formation of endotoxemia syndrome, or systemic effects of aggressive metabolites in the mother placenta fetus system. In this etiopathogenetic therapeutic means are methods of efferent therapy in the form of plasmapheresis, etc. These technologies in many obstetric pathologies (thrombophilia, preeclampsia, Rh-conflict, isthmic-cesmic and chronic placental insufficiency, etc.) sanitize the mother placenta fetus system and allow to prolong pregnancy with a reduction of perinatal mortality index. The authors cite their own data on the use of efferent therapy methods in 102 women presenting at 2228 weeks of pregnancy to the Perinatal Center of Saint Petersburg State Medical University from other institutions after unsuccessful treatment according to the Protocols for various obstetric complications. Pregnancies were prolonged by 215 weeks; all 123 children (20 twins, 1 triplet) were born alive, did not require long-term intensive care, survived and were not disabled. Six newborns died and the perinatal mortality rate was 48 : 1000, which is an order of magnitude lower than that quoted in the literature for similar pathologies and gestational ages. In conclusion of the article, it is suggested that in order to reduce perinatal mortality in Russia, all large institutions should arrange efferent therapy rooms to treat sick pregnant women using the safe, low-cost technologies developed by the authors, using domestic equipment.