Luiz Carlos Pereira da Silva, for all the guidance and support over the last years.Additionally, I would like to thank my colleagues from Brazil and Denmark, who were always available to make technical discussions, advise me and collaborate during my Ph.D. In particular, I would like to thank few people: Pedro Pablo Vergara Barrios, for all his support and patience at the beginning of my journey, as well as Seyyedeh Newsha Ghoreishi, who welcomed me and my family into her sweet home -I have no words for show how grateful I am for you. Also, still in Denmark, a special thanks to Athila Quaresma dos Santos, a Brazilian friend who I met so far from our country. Finally, I would like to thank Rodolfo Quadros for all the partnerships during the writing process of all the papers. I would like to acknowledge the three universities for all their support in developing this Ph.D. project: Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT), where I work; University of Campinas (UNICAMP) and University of Southern Denmark (SDU), these last ones I am so glad for allow me to participate in a dual degree program. Thanks to Karina Schwartz, Luna Larsen, Louise Møller and to all SDU staff team. Thanks also to all scientists and engineers who have contributed to the development of the state-of-the-art as we know it today.Last, but none less important, I thank my family in Brazil, my dad José Carlos, my mom Sandra Perillo, my brothers Rafael and Renan and his respective families, my wife Vivian Petenucci and her family, and my sweet and lovely daughter, Mariana Bressan. I hope you all feel proud of me. Thank you for all."Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."Unknown author.