Dementia implies the decline of intellectual abilities or cognitive function. It is also characterized by behavioral abnormalities and changes in personality 1 . One unusual cause of dementia, characterized mainly by amnestic syndrome, apathy, speech and language disturbances, hypersomnia, vigilance disorder and vertical gaze palsy, is due to thalamic lesion that led to the term "thalamic dementia" 2-4 . This is related to the known thalamic connections with cortical nucleus concerned with memory process, cognition and behavior, the thalamo-fronto-limbic loops 5,6 . Intracranial dural arteriovenous fistula (AVF) with venous drainage into internal cerebral veins and consequently venous hypertension is uncommon and may be associated with thalamic injury. Dural AVF consists of abnormal shunting of blood between the meningeal branches or rarely cortical branches of the external, internal carotid or vertebral arteries, and the venous system, embedded in the dural leaflets of a venous sinus to form the nidus 7-10 . Capillary beds usually interposed are lacking 7. Intracranial dural AVF represent approximately 10% to 15% of all intracranial vascular malformations 8,9,[11][12][13] . Since the posterior fossa dural AVF and subsequent venous hypertension is important to be considered in the different diagnosis of thalamic lesions 14 , we report an unique case of thalamic dementia associated with venous hypertension in the bilateral thalamus due to a dural AVF that was successfully treated by endovascular procedures.
cASEA 43-year-old man, air professional, coursing political science master, presented subacute onset of apathy and memory deficit. Initially, the symptoms were stress misdiagnosed. Nevertheless, his symptoms worsened progressively. On admission, the patient was awake but confuse in time. There was neither headache, neither visual impairment nor vomits. The thorough neurological examination revealed critical sense mild compromised and amnesia, predominately of recent events. No significant medical history was related.The optic fundi were normal. There was no signal of intra-