Landslide processes often complicate the construction and operation of pumped-storage stations (PSSs) and require constant observations of slope stability. Located in the northern part of the Moscow region on the left bank of the Kun'ya River, the Zagorsk PSS with a difference of heights between the lower and upper reservoirs of 100 m belongs to such objects. Horizontal and vertical control networks were created for observations of slope movements at the PSS and in the adjacent territory. The difficulty of observations in the horizontal control network (reconstructed by 1980) with the use of traditional geodetic methods is caused by the need to provide visibility between points of the network. With the construction of the pipeline with an inside diameter of 7.5 m, visibility between points located on different sides of the pipeline was blocked, which reduced the accuracy of determining movements.In 1994-1995 the State Planning, Surveying and Research Institute (Gidroproekt) together with the Geodynamics-M research center carried out experimental measurements in the horizontal control network of the PSS with the use of the satellite geodesy method to evaluate the effectiveness of its use on the object. The characteristics of the network and instruments used, results of experimental measurements as well as a comparison of the measurement results by new and traditional methods are given below.