For modern semiconductor heterostructures containing multiple populations of distinct carrier species, conventional Hall and resistivity data acquired at a single magnetic field provide far less information than measurements as a function of magnetic field. However, the extraction of reliable and accurate carrier densities and mobilities from the field-dependent data can present a number of difficult challenges, which were never fully overcome by earlier methods, such as the multicarrier fit, the mobility-spectrum analysis of Beck and Anderson, and the hybrid mixed-conduction analysis. More recently, to overcome the limitations of those methods, several research groups have contributed to development of the quantitative mobility-spectrum analysis (QMSA), which is now available as a commercial product. The algorithm is analogous to a fast Fourier transform in that it transforms from the magneticfield (B) domain to the mobility (µ) domain. The QMSA converts the fielddependent Hall and resistivity data into a visually meaningful transformed output, comprising the conductivity density of electrons and holes in the mobility domain. In this article, we apply QMSA to both synthetic and real experimental data that are representative of modern multilayer HgCdTe structures. We discuss such features as the accuracy of the extraction of individual layer conductivities and average mobilities, reconstruction of the carrier mobility distribution within a particular layer, the resolution of two carriers with similar mobilities, and limits of the sensitivity.