“…Pier Luigi Filosso, MD, a Anna Arslanian, MD, a Nicola Palestini, MD, b Alessandra Farnetti, MD, b Mauro Papotti, MD, c Massimo Bongiovanni, MD, c Roberto Giobbe, MD, a and Enrico Ruffini, MD, a Torino, Italy B ronchial carcinoids (BCs) are rare and constitute less than 2% of pulmonary tumors. 1 They are characterized by slow, mainly endobronchial growth, with infrequent regional lymph node involvement or distant metastases. 2 Atypical carcinoids are part of the spectrum of neuroendocrine bronchopulmonary tumors, according to the 1999 World Health Organization-International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (WHO-IASLC) Lung Tumor classification.…”