The thermal-to-percolative crossover exponent , well known for ferromagnetic systems, is studied extensively for Edwards-Anderson spin glasses. The scaling of defect energies are determined at the bond percolation threshold p c using an improved reduction algorithm. Simulations extend to system sizes above N =10 8 in dimensions d = 2 , . . . , 7. The results can be related to the behavior of the transition temperature T g ϳ͑p − p c ͒ between the paramagnetic and the glassy regime for p p c . In three dimensions, where our simulations predict = 1.127͑5͒, this scaling form for T g provides a rare experimental test of predictions arising from the equilibrium theory of low-temperature spin glasses. For dimensions near and above the upper critical dimension, the results provide a challenge to reconcile mean-field theory with finite-dimensional properties.The exploration of low-temperature properties of disordered systems remains an important and challenging problem. 1,2 The paradigmatic model for such phenomena is the Edwards-Anderson ͑EA͒ spin glass, 3Disorder effects arise via quenched random bonds, J i,j , mixing ferro-and antiferromagnetic couplings between nearestneighbor spins, which lead to conflicting constraints and frustrated variables. It is believed that an understanding of static and dynamic features of EA may aid a description of the unifying principles expressed in glassy materials. 3 Most insights into finite-dimensional systems have been gained through computational approaches that elucidate low-T properties. [4][5][6] Here, we extract the response induced through defect interfaces 7,8 at T = 0, created by fixing the spins along the two faces of the open boundary in one direction. Ground state energies E 0 and E 0 Ј of an instance of size N = L d are determined, which differ by reversing all spins on one of the faces. The distribution P͑⌬E͒ of interface energies ⌬E = E 0 Ј− E 0 created by this perturbation of scale L on the boundary is obtained. The typical energy scale, represented by the deviation ͑⌬E͒, grows as