ZnMgSSe barriers were investigated by means of photoluminescence and spin-flip-Raman (SFR) scattering spectroscopy. A new donor-acceptor-pair (DAP) band has been observed involving a very shallow donor with a binding energy of (19 AE 2) meV and the well-known N acceptor on Se site. Further evidence for a new donor center is given by transitions in angle-dependent SFR scattering measurements which correspond to an isotropic (donor-like) g-value of (1:49 AE 0:03). The 19 meV donor is interpreted as the negatively charged state of the usually found 52 meV deep donor in ZnSe : N. This is supported by the temperature behavior of the DAP band and, further, by its pronounced appearance for resonant excitation into the barriers quite similar to the behavior of trions.Introduction One of the most important prerequisites for long lifetime optoelectronic devices such as laser diodes is crystalline perfection. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to keep the maximum layer thickness in strained heterostructures below the critical value of strain relaxation. In ZnSe-based devices p-type doping is one of the most serious difficulties. Beyond that, the doping behaviour of thin, fully strained ZnSe layers is largely unknown. In contrast to the commonly investigated nitrogen doping of thick, relaxed ZnSe layers [1-6] we focused on the more device relevant situation were N is incorporated in fully strained thin (QW like) layers. For this purpose the observation of the donor-acceptor-pair (DAP) recombination is a useful tool to analyze the influence of compensating donors. In strain relaxed layers the incorporation of N was found to be accompanied by the formation of a shallow donor ðD s Þ of approximately 29 meV [3] binding energy and a 44-52 meV [1,3,5,7] deep donor ðD d Þ, respectively. In conjunction with the well-known N acceptor level of 110 meV [8] these donors manifest themselves through the appearance of two DAP transition band series, D s AP and D d AP. For the case of fully strained ZnSe : N layers which are embedded in ZnMgSSe barriers, we have recently found that a very shallow donor with a binding energy of (19 AE 2) meV is the dominant compensating donor while transitions involving the deep donors ðD d Þ usually found in strain-relaxed layers seem to be largely absent [9]. In this work we present further evidence for this new donor level. In addition, we propose a model in which the very shallow donor level is assigned to the negatively charged state of the deep donor D d . Negatively charged donor centers (D À ) are the immobile analogue of the mobile trion complex, and they consist of a fixed positive charge ðD þ Þ and two electrons [10].