Purpose. Development of a methodological basis for measuring the dependence of passenger’ stress on the perceived quality of public transport service. Its achievement will contribute to certainty in management situations, when the task of the transport operator's management is to reduce the stress level of passengers. Research methodology: Research methodology: First survey was conducted by the Joint Stock Company "Ukrainian Railway". We found the most important attributes of the quality of transport service for passengers by types of wagons, the advantages and disadvantages of trip, the desired vectors of the customer value of the transport service. The second survey was conducted in the Luxembourg on the travel behavior of residents and commuters from neighboring countries. The results showed that the quality of the transport service perceived by the passenger is the main factor of stress. The dependence of passengers' stress level on attributes and aggregated perceived quality is complex. Therefore, when studying it, it is necessary to apply measurements along many dimensions. Scientific novelty. An important interest of transport operator is the dependence of passenger stress on the perceived quality of transport service. Point-oriented approaches to its study do not provide complete information that the management of the transport operator needs when developing measures to reduce passenger stress. The literature on passenger stress is analyzed from the point of view of the completeness of management information, which is necessary for transport operator to reduce passenger stress. The results of the literature review are checked in the authors' own research, which they conducted in Ukraine and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. New approaches to measurement of the dependence between passenger stress and the perceived quality of transport service are proposed. They form a broader methodological basis for research and management in this area. Practical significance. The application of the proposed approaches by the management of the transport operator will allow it to make decisions on regulating the quality of the transport service in order to reduce the stress of passengers on the basis of more complete management information.