Abstract-Recently, various conferences and journals have published articles related to Video Surveillance Systems, indicating researchers' attention. The goal of this review is to examine the latest works were published in journals, propose a new classification framework of video surveillance systems and investigate each aspect of this classification framework. This paper provides a co mprehensive and systematic literature review of v ideo surveillance systems from 2010-2011, extracted fro m six online d igital libraries using article's t itle and keyword. The proposed classification framework is expanded on the basis of architecture of v ideo surveillance systems, which is composed of six layers: Concept and Foundation Layer, Network Infrastructure Layer, Processing Layer, Co mmunicat ion Layer, Applicat ion Layer, and User Interaction Layer. Th is review shows , although many publication and research focus on real-time aspect of the challenge, only few researches have investigated the deployment of ext racted and retrieved information for forensic video surveillance.