Optimal sizing of single micro-grid faces problems such as high life cycle cost, low self-consumption of power generated by renewable energy, and disturbances of intermittent renewable energy. Interconnecting single micro-grids as a cooperative system to reach a proper size of renewable energy generations and batteries is a credible method to promote performance in reliability and economy. However, to guarantee the optimal collaborative sizing of two micro-grids is a challenging task, particularly with power exchange. In this paper, the optimal sizing of economic and collaborative for two micro-grids and the tie line is modelled as a unit commitment problem to express the influence of power exchange between micro-grids on each life cycle cost, meanwhile guaranteeing certain degree of power supply reliability, which is calculated by Loss of Power Supply Probability in the simulation. A specified collaborative operation of power exchange between two micro-grids is constructed as the scheduling scheme to optimize the life cycle cost of two micro-grids using genetic algorithm. The case study verifies the validity of the method proposed and reveal the advantages of power exchange in the two micro-grids system. The results demonstrate that the proposed optimal sizing means based on collaborative operation can minimize the life cycle cost of two micro-grids respectively considering different renewable energy sources. Compared to the sizing of single micro-grid, the suggested method can not only improve the economic performance for each micro-grid but also form a strong support between interconnected micro-grids. In addition, a proper price of power exchanges will balance the cost saving between micro-grids, making the corresponding stake-holders prefer to be interconnected.Sustainability 2018, 10, 4198 2 of 21 for a two micro-grids system more uncertain. Therefore, in order to improve economy performance of neighbouring MGs and ensure the reliability at the same time, it is meaningful to study cooperative sizing of two micro-grids considering different local renewable energy resources, which may lay the foundation for further cooperative sizing of MMG system.
Literature ReviewRecently, the sizing of renewable energy systems has attracted the attention of many scholars worldwide. Economically, the total annual cost of the system should be minimized by means of optimizing the combination of wind turbines, PV panels and the batteries system [4]. That is to say, the aim of obtaining the right amount optimized of wind turbines, photovoltaic panels, and storage is to minimize the annual value of total cost for the entire system under certain constraints. Many scholars have studied in optimizing sizing of hybrid wind and photovoltaic systems. For example, on the base of a simple graphical construction, the optimal combination of a hybrid PV-wind system was investigated without taking account of the actual scale of the battery in [5]. Taking the per-unit cost of the power produced and the total system cost into consideration, a...