Stroke is the disease that most often causes death in Indonesia. According to Riskesdas 2007, the prevalence of stroke in Indonesia is 8.3 per 1000. This study aims to determine differences in hypertension risk factors for ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke in stroke patients at UKI General Hospital in 2017. This research was conducted by analyzing secondary data from patient medical record status using a cross-sectional study design. The results showed that there were patients with ischemic stroke (85.8%) and hemorrhagic (14.2%) with hypertension (74.02%), and characteristics of age > 60 years (49.6%), male (59.1%) %), and most of the patients had high school education or more (63.0%). Based on the different test analyses, there was a statistically significant difference between the risk factors for hypertension in hemorrhagic and non-hemorrhagic strokes.
Key words: Stroke, Risk Factors, Hypertension