This thesis presents a series of investigations on the specialized cell covering of a dormant stage (the resting cyst) in the life cycle of the marine dinoflagellate Lingulodinium polyedra. These cell walls, along with those of resting cysts formed by many other dinoflagellate species, are resistant to degradation and persist in the depositional environment. Selective preservation of these materials has created a rich dinoflagellate fossil record (extending back -225 million years) which has shown great utility in biostratigraphic applications. By elucidating the nature of resting cyst walls and directly observing their development in laboratory cultures, the research presented here addresses several long-standing questions regarding both the paleontology and biology of dinoflagellates.Although resting cyst formation has been reported in other extant species, this thesis documents for the first time the morphological development of resting cysts having "fossilizable", morphologically complex cell walls. In laboratory cultures of L. polyedra, resting cyst formation is an extremely rapid phenomenon; the transition from thecate, actively swimming planozygote to spine-bearing, morphologically mature hypnozygote occurs within 10-20 minutes. The basic mechanism consists of dramatic cell expansion resulting from the widening of an interstice between the planozygotic cytoplasm and a balloon-like membrane external to the theca. Key morphological events in the development of the distinctive L. polyedra resting cyst cell covering occur within this interstice. These include early dissociation and outward migration of the theca, formation of the resistant endophragm, and growth of spines from globules on the surface of the cytoplasm. The level of morphological maturity attained by the encysting cell depends primarily on how much development occurs before rupture of the expanding outer membrane. If rupture is premature, a wide variation of resting cyst morphology may occur, particularly with respect to the size, number, and distribution of processes.The direct observation of these developmental events has shed much light on several issues regarding resting cyst morphogenesis. First, growth of L. polyedra resting cyst spines is clearly centrifugal (i.e. growing radially outward). Although not necessarily representative of spine growth in all species, this mode of formation provides a useful preliminary framework for interpreting some of the "histrichosphaerid" morphologies present in the fossil record. Second, in this species at least, the theca plays no direct role in influencing the morphology of spines. Finally, considerable variation in spine morphology is possible within one biologically-defined species. This last point has considerable significance for cyst-based taxonomy, and strongly suggests that several of the fossil morphotypes traditionally designated as separate species of Lingulodiniwnum are, in fact, synonymous.iii Ultrastructural examination of L. polyedra resting cysts formed in laboratory culture has ...